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Barry Goldwater Scholarship

Barry Goldwater Scholarship

Applicable For:

College Sophomores & Juniors

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

The United States Congress established the Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program in 1986 as a tribute to former United States Senator and 1964 presidential candidate Barry Goldwater. The program’s objective is to support the development of highly qualified scientists, mathematicians, and engineers by granting scholarships to college students who are US citizens or permanent residents and plan to pursue careers in these areas. Considered the most prestigious national undergraduate scholarship in natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics, the scholarship is granted annually to approximately 300 college sophomores and juniors based on merit. The scholarship amount is determined based on financial need, with a maximum award of $7,500 per academic year. Moreover, since 2006, the program has also recognized about 150 outstanding applicants who did not receive the scholarship with official Honorable Mentions. 

  • If you’re currently a college student keen on pursuing a career in a STEM field, consider exploring the possibility of applying for the Barry Goldwater Scholarship. 
  • This scholarship is available to nominate applicants who are college sophomores or juniors conducting research in a STEM field. 
  • The Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Foundation provides scholarships to STEM students nationwide to ensure the country produces enough skilled professionals in these vital fields. The scholarship is a tribute to Barry Goldwater, a former air force officer and senator for three decades.

Eligibility Criteria For Barry Goldwater Scholarship

  • Academic Criteria: The applicant must be a full-time matriculated sophomore or junior pursuing a degree at an accredited institution of higher education. The applicant must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 or be in the top 25% of their class. The applicant must pursue a STEM major, including mathematics, engineering, and natural sciences. The applicant must demonstrate a passion for research and intend to pursue a career in their respective STEM field.
  • Citizenship and Residency Criteria: The applicant must be a citizen, national, or permanent resident of the United States. The applicant must have plans to obtain a Ph.D. in their field of study. The applicant must not have been convicted of a crime, expelled from a college or university, or engaged in misconduct that would question their character or ability to represent the Goldwater Scholarship Foundation.
  • Nomination Criteria: The applicant must have a nominator who is a college professor, a full-time staff member of a college or university, a research institution, or a government agency. The nominator must be able to describe the applicant’s qualifications and provide examples of academic excellence. The nominator must describe their relationship with the applicant and indicate their familiarity with the applicant’s career goals.
  • Application Process: The application consists of one form with two sections, Personal Statement, and Resume. The personal statement must be 300 words or less and written in English. The resume must be two pages long and include academic information, a list of honors and awards, school record, honors/awards, memberships in organizations, and leadership positions. 
  • Financial Criteria: The applicant must be a United States citizen or pursue permanent residency. The applicant cannot have an annual family income of over $100,000. The student can submit tax returns or a letter explaining any discrepancies in the personal statement, but they must meet the requirement to maintain eligibility.

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