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Blakemore Freeman Fellowship

Blakemore Freeman Fellowship

Applicable For:

Graduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

If you hold a bachelor’s degree and plan to use an East or Southeast Asian language in your professional, academic, or business career, you may want to apply for the Blakemore Freeman Fellowship. This fellowship is available to graduates who have studied their target language for at least three years and are willing to commit to extensive language study during the grant term. The Blakemore Foundation, a charitable trust based in Washington, offers a scholarship to support the use of Asian languages and the appreciation of Asian art in the United States. Each year, the fellowship provides tuition coverage, a stipend for related educational expenses, and basic living and transportation costs for the language programs of successful applicants.

Eligibility Criteria For Blakemore Freeman Fellowship

  • Bachelor’s Degree Holder: Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited U.S. college or university by the start of their language program.
  • A career involving East or Southeast Asian Language: Applicants must pursue a professional, business, or academic career that will require the regular use of an East or Southeast Asian language.
  • Target Language Study: Applicants should have already formally studied their target language for at least three years and demonstrate high proficiency in that language.
  • Willingness to Partake in Extensive Language Study: Applicants must be willing to partake in extensive language study during the grant term.
  • U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Resident: Applicants must be either U.S. citizens or permanent residents at the time of application.
  • Host Institution Acceptance: Applicants must have been accepted by a host institution in East or Southeast Asia, where they will pursue an intensive language program.
  • Fellowship Open to All Fields: The Blakemore Freeman Fellowship is open to candidates in all fields except language teaching, journalism, and performing arts.


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