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Bodie McDowell Scholarship

Bodie McDowell Scholarship

Applicable For:

Undergraduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

These scholarships are given to three or more students each year. Candidates should have letters of recommendation, examples of work, and clear, important goals in outdoor communications. Academic success is taken into account, however it is not one of the top three selection matters. Students majoring in outside communications, like print, photography, video, art, poetry, or radio, are required to apply. It is open to qualified graduate students and undergraduates.

The OWAA is a multinational nonprofit organisation that unites a variety of professional communicators who have a passion for the great outdoors. Members of the OWAA are mandated to deliver honest, complete, knowledgeable, responsible, and unbiased outdoor coverage through OWAA membership and adherence to its creed and code of conduct. OWAA is pleased to provide fellowships and scholarships to help students further their education.

Eligibility Criteria For Bodie McDowell Scholarship

Here are some common eligibility criteria that are often considered for such scholarships:

  • Academic Performance: While not always a strict requirement, many scholarship programs consider the applicant’s academic achievements. This can include maintaining a certain grade point average (GPA) or achieving specific standardized test scores. Academic records, such as official transcripts, are often requested as part of the application process.
  • Field of Study: Scholarships may be available to students pursuing any major or discipline, while others may be specific to certain fields of study. Some scholarships target students in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, humanities, social sciences, or arts-related programs.
  • Community Involvement and Extracurricular Activities: Scholarship programs often value applicants who have actively participated in extracurricular activities, community service, or volunteer work. Involvement in clubs, organizations, sports, or leadership roles showcases a well-rounded student with a commitment to their community.
  • Essays or Personal Statements: Many scholarships require applicants to write essays or personal statements. These essays provide an opportunity for applicants to convey their experiences, goals, aspirations, and how the scholarship will assist them. They help scholarship committees assess an applicant’s communication skills, passion, and alignment with the scholarship’s objectives.

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