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Distinguished Young Bobcat Award

Distinguished Young Bobcat Award

Applicable For:

Undergraduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

This Award was established to honour a graduating Texas high school senior who has been accepted and would be attending Texas State University. The honour recognises a history of academic excellence, clear evidence of campus-wide influence, and above-average involvement in extracurricular activities.

The student must be enrolled as a senior in a Texas high school and intend to enrol at Texas State University the fall after graduating from high school in order to be eligible. 

Eligibility Criteria For Distinguished Young Bobcat Award

Here are some common factors that may be considered in the eligibility criteria:

  • Active participation: Typically, scholarship programs require applicants to demonstrate active participation in specific extracurricular activities. This could include involvement in sports, arts, community service, leadership roles, or other recognized activities.
  • Academic performance: Many scholarships consider academic performance as an important factor. Applicants may be required to meet a minimum GPA or academic standard to be eligible for the scholarship.
  • Demonstrated talent or skill: Some scholarships focus on specific talents or skills. For example, scholarships may be awarded to outstanding athletes, musicians, artists, or performers who have excelled in their respective fields.
  • Leadership and achievements: Scholarships may prioritize applicants who have shown leadership qualities, taken on responsibilities, and achieved notable accomplishments within their extracurricular activities or within their community.
  • Letters of recommendation: Some scholarship programs may require applicants to submit letters of recommendation from coaches, teachers, or mentors who can attest to their skills, character, and contributions in their extracurricular activities.
  • Personal statements or essays: Applicants may be asked to provide personal statements or essays describing their involvement in extracurricular activities, their goals, and the impact these activities have had on their personal growth and development.

But, before applying you must follow its official website to know about it updated information.

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