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Dr. Foster B. Gibbs Scholarship

Dr. Foster B. Gibbs Scholarship

Applicable For:

High School Students, Undergraduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

A young person who has fully utilized the educational resources provided by the City of Saginaw school district will be honored with the Dr. Foster B. Gibbs Scholarship. Candidates must be graduating seniors from Arthur Hill High School or Saginaw High School who intend to enrol in an institution of higher learning in Michigan. Additionally, you must have a GPA of at least 2.5 and be able to prove your financial need.

Eligibility Criteria For Dr. Foster B. Gibbs Scholarship

Here are some common factors that may be considered:

  • Academic Qualifications: Most higher studies scholarships require applicants to have a strong academic record. This typically includes a minimum GPA or specific academic achievements. Scholarships for higher studies may have different GPA requirements based on the level of study (e.g., master’s, Ph.D.) and the field of study.
  • Field of Study: They may target students pursuing higher studies in areas such as science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), social sciences, humanities, business, or arts. Some scholarships may prioritize specific disciplines based on their relevance or demand.
  • Degree Level: Higher studies scholarships can be available for various levels of study, such as master’s, Ph.D., or postdoctoral research. Each scholarship may have specific eligibility requirements based on the level of study.
  • Admission or Enrollment: Scholarships for higher studies typically require applicants to have secured admission or enrollment in a recognized and accredited institution for their chosen program of study. Some scholarships may have additional requirements, such as being admitted to a particular university or program.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Strong letters of recommendation from professors, advisors, or other academic professionals who can attest to the applicant’s academic abilities, research potential, and commitment to higher studies may be required.
  • Personal Statement or Essay: Scholarships often require applicants to submit a personal statement or essay. This allows applicants to discuss their academic and research background, career goals, and how the scholarship would help them achieve their objectives. It is an opportunity to showcase their motivation, passion, and potential contribution to their field of study.

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