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Essay and Art Contest on Civil and Human Rights

Essay and Art Contest on Civil and Human Rights

Applicable For:

Undergraduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

An essay and art contest on civil and human rights typically invites participants to express their perspectives and ideas through the medium of writing or visual art. These contests aim to raise awareness, encourage critical thinking, and promote dialogue about civil rights issues, human rights violations, social justice, and equality.

The contest will have a specific theme related to civil and human rights. It could focus on a particular historical event, a contemporary social issue, a marginalized group, or a call to action for change.

Eligibility Criteria For Essay and Art Contest on Civil and Human Rights

Here are some general eligibility criteria that are commonly considered for such contests:

  • Age: The contest may be open to participants of a specific age group or have different categories for different age ranges, such as elementary, middle school, high school, or college students.
  • Citizenship/Residency: The contest may be open to participants from a specific country, region, or be international in scope. Some contests may have restrictions based on citizenship or residency status.
  • Theme Alignment: Participants are typically required to submit essays or artwork that aligns with the theme of civil and human rights. They may need to address specific aspects or issues related to civil and human rights, such as equality, social justice, discrimination, or advocacy.
  • Submission Format: Participants must adhere to the specified format for submissions, including word count limits for essays or guidelines for artwork size, medium, and presentation. Failure to comply with the submission requirements may result in disqualification.
  • Originality: Plagiarism or the use of copyrighted materials may lead to disqualification.
  • Language: The contest may require essays or descriptions of artwork to be submitted in a specific language, such as English or the official language(s) of the host country.
  • Submission Deadline: Participants must submit their entries within the specified timeframe. Late submissions are usually not accepted.

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