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Applicable For:

High School Students

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About This Scholarship

Numerous scholarships with different requirements are available from the George Snow Scholarship Fund. However, the most typical requirements are that applicants show a need for money, a will to succeed, and a desire to help others or themselves. The average prize in 2019 was $12,500. Amounts vary.Seniors in high school at one of the following institutions must apply. • Any High School in Palm Beach County • Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School or Blanche Ely High School in Northern Broward County • Each and every homeschooled pupil enrolled at Blanche Ely, Pompano Beach High School, or any other high school in Palm Beach County The following are requirements for applicants: • Financial necessity; • Self-motivation; and • Firm educational and career goals. 

Eligibility Criteria For George-snow-high-school-scholarship

Here are some general criteria that are commonly considered:

  • Academic Performance: Many goal-oriented scholarships require applicants to demonstrate a strong academic record. This may include meeting specific grade point average (GPA) requirements or providing transcripts and academic references.
  • Field of Study: Some scholarships are specifically targeted towards students pursuing certain fields of study or majors. The scholarship may be focused on supporting individuals with goals aligned to specific industries, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) fields, arts, humanities, or social sciences.
  • Goals and Ambitions: To be eligible for a goal-oriented scholarship, applicants are typically required to articulate their career goals, aspirations, and how the scholarship will help them achieve those goals. They may need to submit essays, personal statements, or letters of intent that highlight their objectives and demonstrate a clear plan for utilizing the scholarship funds.
  • Financial Need: While not all goal-oriented scholarships are need-based, some programs may consider financial need as part of their eligibility criteria. This could involve demonstrating that the scholarship funds will significantly contribute to the applicant’s education and career goals due to limited financial resources.

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