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Harlem YMCA bai Corporate Scholarship Award

Harlem YMCA bai Corporate Scholarship Award

Applicable For:

High School Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

The Salute to Achievers in Industry Gala honours the Harlem YMCA’s engagement with businesses and its life-improving collaboration. In addition to introducing their scholarship beneficiaries in front of an audience of enthusiastic civic leaders, executives, and friends and family of the honorees, the event gives firms a festive platform to highlight and recognise their organization’s outstanding executives. Additionally, it offers the Harlem YMCA a distinguished venue to express gratitude to the business sponsors that make the bai program’s purpose feasible.

The bai program’s sustainability is ensured by corporate support, which also celebrates and honours corporate professionals from their company who have a strong work ethic and a desire for excellence.

Eligibility Criteria For Harlem YMCA bai Corporate Scholarship Award

Field of Study: Scholarships may be specifically targeted toward students pursuing a degree or career in a business-related field such as Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Economics, or Entrepreneurship.

  • Academic Performance: Many business scholarships consider academic achievements as a criterion. Applicants may need to maintain a certain GPA or meet specific academic standards.
  • School or Program: Some scholarships may be limited to students enrolled in a specific school or business program. For example, scholarships may be available only to students attending a particular university or studying at an accredited business school.
  • Financial Need: Some scholarships take into account the applicant’s financial need. This can involve submitting financial information, such as the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or other financial aid documents.
  • Leadership and Extracurricular Involvement: Scholarships often value applicants who have demonstrated leadership skills or involvement in extracurricular activities related to business, such as participation in business clubs, internships, or community service initiatives.
  • Personal Statement/Essay: Scholarships frequently require applicants to write a personal statement or essay discussing their interest in business, career goals, relevant experiences, and how the scholarship would benefit them.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Some scholarships may request letters of recommendation from teachers, professors, or professionals who can speak to the applicant’s qualifications, potential, and dedication to the field of business.

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