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HIAS College & Young Adult Scholarships

HIAS College Young Adult Scholarships

Applicable For:

Undergraduate Students & Graduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

HIAS has historically partnered with various organizations and foundations to offer scholarships and grants to refugees and immigrants pursuing higher education. These scholarships aim to support college-bound students and young adults in their educational pursuits. The availability and specific details of such scholarships may vary over time and by location.

To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information about any college and young adult scholarships offered by HIAS or its partner organizations, I recommend visiting the official HIAS website or reaching out to them directly. They can provide you with the latest information on available scholarships and their application processes.

Eligibility Criteria For HIAS College & Young Adult Scholarships

some common eligibility factors that are often considered for scholarships:

  • Refugee or immigrant status: HIAS scholarships may be specifically designed for refugees or immigrants or individuals with a demonstrated refugee or immigrant background.
  • Age requirements: Some scholarships may have age restrictions, targeting college-bound students or young adults within a specific age range.
  • Educational goals: Scholarships may be tailored for individuals pursuing higher education, such as attending college or vocational programs.
  • Academic performance: Many scholarships consider academic achievement as an eligibility factor. Applicants may need to meet minimum GPA requirements or demonstrate strong academic potential.
  • Financial need: Some scholarships prioritize applicants with demonstrated financial need. This can involve submitting financial information or demonstrating financial hardship.
  • Community involvement: Scholarships may give preference to individuals who have actively participated in their communities or engaged in volunteer work or extracurricular activities.
  • It is highly recommended to check its official website before applying for this scholarship for updated information as its eligibility criteria might be changed.

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