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JCF Ronald P. Wilmot Scholarship

JCF Ronald P. Wilmot Scholarship

Applicable For:

Undergraduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

Children of homosexual or lesbian parents who are high school seniors or graduates and who want to enrol or are currently enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate programme at an authorised institution or university are eligible for the Ronald P. Wilmot Scholarship. Qualifications: Financial necessity as well as academic and creative achievement.

Children of homosexual or lesbian parents who are high school seniors or graduates and who want to enrol or are currently enrolled in a full-time undergraduate or graduate programme at an authorised institution or university are eligible for the Ronald P. Wilmot Scholarship. Qualifications: Financial necessity as well as academic and creative achievement. Each year, the scholarship period begins on February 1 and lasts until March.

Eligibility Criteria For JCF Ronald P. Wilmot Scholarship

Here are some common factors that are often considered for determining financial need:

  • Income Level: Many financial aid programs consider the applicant’s household income as a primary factor in determining financial need. This includes the total income earned by the applicant’s family members, including parents or guardians.
  • Family Size: The size of the applicant’s family is often taken into account, as larger families may have higher expenses and potentially greater financial need.
  • Dependents: Financial aid programs may consider the number of dependents in the applicant’s family. Having dependents, such as children or elderly family members, may increase financial need.
  • Expenses and Debt: The applicant’s existing financial obligations and debts, such as medical expenses, outstanding loans, or other significant expenses, may be evaluated to determine financial need.
  • Cost of Education: Some financial aid programs consider the specific cost of education at the institution the applicant wishes to attend. The difference between the cost of education and the family’s expected contribution is often used to assess financial need.
  • Application and Documentation: Applicants may be required to submit various financial documents, such as tax returns, W-2 forms, or other financial statements, to provide evidence of their financial situation.

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