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JSU Alabama Curley Memorial Scholarship

JSU Alabama Curley Memorial Scholarship

Applicable For:

Undergraduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

The Curley Memorial Scholarship is presented each year by the Jacksonville State University Foundation. This scholarship, which was established in Mr. Andrew Curley’s honour, is intended to aid an elite student in their academic endeavours. The JSU Foundation develops opportunities that will provide additional assistance to the students, programmes, services, and academic community of Jacksonville State University through collaborative relationships with people, businesses, foundations, and other organisations.

The Foundation will use image improvement, efficient asset management, business ventures, and development initiatives to fulfil its objective. The JSU Foundation’s overarching goal is to raise as much money as possible from private sources for Jacksonville State University while building the framework for future fundraising success. This will help the university carry out its own objective of providing the best possible education, research, and services.

Eligibility Criteria For JSU Alabama Curley Memorial Scholarship

Here are some common factors that may be considered in the eligibility criteria:

  • Field of Study or Area of Interest: Many scholarships are focused on specific fields of study or areas of interest that align with the goals or operations of the business, foundation, or organization offering the scholarship. The eligibility criteria may be restricted to certain majors, disciplines, or industries.
  • Academic Achievement: Scholarships often consider academic performance as a criterion. Applicants may need to demonstrate high grades, a strong GPA, or exceptional standardized test scores. Transcripts, academic records, or proof of academic achievements may be required.
  • Work Experience or Internships: Scholarships offered by businesses or organizations may consider an applicant’s work experience or internships, particularly if they are relevant to the organization’s industry or goals. Applicants may be asked to provide details of their work experience, including duration, responsibilities, and achievements.
  • Demographic Factors: Some scholarships may have specific demographic preferences or target underrepresented groups, such as minority students, women, first-generation college students, or students from marginalized communities.

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