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Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship

Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship

Applicable For:

Graduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

The Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship is a program offered by the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). The scholarship is designed to support graduate students who are pursuing research in the field of crystallography.The scholarship award amount is $2,500, which can be used to support research-related expenses such as travel, equipment, and conference fees.

To apply for the Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship, applicants must submit an application form, a research proposal, a budget plan, and a letter of recommendation from their research advisor. The application deadline is typically in the fall of each and every year.

Overall, the Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship provides valuable support for graduate students who are pursuing research in crystallography. The scholarship helps to encourage and recognize excellence in the field, and provides students with the resources they need to conduct innovative research and make significant contributions to the field of crystallography.

Eligibility Criteria For Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship

The eligibility criteria for the Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship include:

  • Enrollment: All the applicants must be enrolled or planning to enroll as a full-time graduate student at an accredited college or university in the United States.
  • Field of Study: All the applicants must be pursuing a degree in crystallography or a related field, such as chemistry, physics, materials science, or life sciences.
  • Academic Performance: All the applicants must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale.
  • Research: Applicants must have a demonstrated interest in crystallography research, and may be involved in a research project or have completed previous research in this field.
  • U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Residency: All the applicants must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

Applicants should carefully review the specific eligibility requirements for the Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship before applying. The application deadline, award amount, and renewal criteria may also vary depending on the scholarship program.

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