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Overseas Press Club Foundation Awards

Overseas Press Club Foundation Awards

Applicable For:

Graduate Students and Undergraduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

The Overseas Press Club Foundation Awards is an annual awards program that recognizes excellence in international journalism. The program is administered by the Overseas Press Club Foundation, a nonprofit organization that aims to promote and improve the quality of international news coverage.

The awards program honors journalists and news organizations that have produced outstanding international reporting in various categories, such as international news, feature reporting, photojournalism, and documentary filmmaking. The awards are open to all journalists, regardless of their nationality, who work for print, broadcast, or digital media outlets.

The amount of the scholarship varies depending on the recipient’s needs and can range from $2,000 to $10,000. In addition to financial support, the scholarship recipients also receive mentorship and networking opportunities through the Overseas Press Club Foundation.

Eligibility Criteria For Overseas Press Club Foundation Awards

The eligibility criteria for the Overseas Press Club Foundation Awards vary depending on the specific award category. The awards recognize excellence in international journalism and are open to journalists working in any medium, including print, broadcast, and online. Here are some general eligibility criteria:

  • Professional journalists: Applicants must be professional journalists who are currently working in the field of international journalism. This includes reporters, editors, producers, photographers, and other media professionals.
  • Work published or broadcast in the United States: The awards are for work published or broadcast in the United States, regardless of the nationality of the journalist or the media outlet.
  • Work published or broadcast in the previous calendar year: The work submitted for consideration must have been published or broadcast in the previous calendar year.
  • Category-specific criteria: Each award category has its own specific criteria, which may include factors such as the subject matter, the type of media, and the intended audience.
  • Submission requirements: Applicants must submit their work according to the specific submission requirements for each award category, including any supporting materials or documentation.
  • Entry fees: There may be an entry fee for some of the award categories.

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