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Pour Over Scholarship


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About This Scholarship

The Pour Over is a daily newsletter that offers a concise and enjoyable summary of the day’s top news stories and brief Christian perspectives. By signing up, you’ll receive unbiased news and Christian insights in your inbox daily. Individuals demonstrating the greatest benefit from The Pour Over will be granted scholarships. Scholarship candidates will be interviewed regarding how they have utilized the knowledge from The Pour Over in their lives! Pour Over scholarship offers $1,000.00 per semester to high school, college, and graduate students who have taken a leadership role in evangelism. The Pour Over Scholarship Program is designed to award scholarships to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional learning and growth from The Pour Over newsletter.

Eligibility Criteria For Pour Over Scholarship

  • Subscription to The Pour Over Newsletter: Applicants must be subscribed to The Pour Over newsletter to be considered for the scholarship program. The scholarship committee believes consistent newsletter readership is a key factor in benefiting from it.
  • Active Engagement with the Newsletter: Applicants must actively engage with The Pour Over newsletter. This includes reading the newsletter regularly, engaging with the content, and applying the knowledge gained from it in their personal and professional lives.
  • Excellent Academic Performance: Scholarship candidates must maintain an excellent academic record, with a minimum GPA of 3.0 or equivalent. This is because the scholarship committee seeks to reward individuals who are committed to academic excellence and are likely to make a positive impact in their field of study.
  • Strong Leadership and Community Involvement: Applicants must demonstrate strong leadership qualities and active involvement in their community. This includes participation in extracurricular activities, volunteering, or any other form of community service.
  • Finalists Interview: Finally, the scholarship committee will interview finalists to assess how they have applied the knowledge gained from The Pour Over newsletter in their personal and professional lives. This interview will help the committee determine which candidates have demonstrated exceptional learning and growth from the newsletter and are most scholarships the scholarship.

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