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UCLA Alice Belkin Memorial Scholarship

UCLA Alice Belkin Memorial Scholarship

Applicable For:

Graduated Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

The UCLA Alice Belkin Memorial Scholarship is a scholarship program specifically offered by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in honor of Alice Belkin. Alice Belkin was an influential UCLA alumna who was dedicated to philanthropy and community service.The scholarship is typically awarded to undergraduate students at UCLA who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement, leadership qualities, and a commitment to community service. It aims to provide financial support to deserving students and honor Alice Belkin’s legacy of making a positive impact in the community.

Eligibility Criteria For UCLA Alice Belkin Memorial Scholarship

Here are some general considerations commonly found in scholarships that emphasize leadership and commitment:

  • Demonstrated Leadership: Applicants are expected to have held leadership roles in school, extracurricular activities, community organizations, or other relevant contexts. This can include positions such as student government, club leadership, team captaincy, or involvement in community initiatives.
  • Commitment to Community or Cause: Scholarships may require applicants to showcase a strong commitment to a particular cause, community service, social justice, advocacy, or volunteer work. This involvement can be demonstrated through sustained engagement, significant contributions, or active participation in community initiatives.
  • Academic Achievement: Many scholarships consider academic performance and may require applicants to meet specific GPA requirements or demonstrate academic excellence. However, the weight given to academic achievement can vary across different scholarship programs.
  • Personal Statement/Essay: Scholarships often require applicants to write a personal statement or essay where they can highlight their leadership experiences, their commitment to a cause or community, and their future goals. This allows scholarship committees to assess the applicant’s passion, dedication, and ability to articulate their experiences.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Scholarships may request letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to the applicant’s leadership abilities, commitment to service, and personal character. These letters should provide insight into the applicant’s accomplishments and potential for future success.
  • Resume or Activities List: Scholarships may ask for a comprehensive list of extracurricular activities, leadership positions, community service involvement, and other notable achievements. This document allows scholarship committees to gain a broader understanding of the applicant’s involvement and commitments.

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