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Virginia Mayflower Society Mildred Ramos Scholarship

Virginia Mayflower Society Mildred Ramos Scholarship

Applicable For:

Undergraduate Students, Graduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

In order to promote and aid research into the experience and principles of the Mayflower Pilgrims, the Mildred Ramos Scholarship Fund was created in 2012. It was given that name in recognition of Miss Mildred Ramos, who held the positions of Governor General of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants and Governor of the Mayflower Descendants in the Commonwealth of Virginia. On May 5, 2012, the Virginia Mayflower Society gave its $1,620 yearly prize for the first time. This scholarship is supported by the society’s members and friends. The Mildred Ramos Scholarship Fund was established in memory of our current assistant secretary, Mildred Ramos, who over the years served in a number of capacities for both the Virginia Society and the General Society, including Governor General and Governor of our state organisation.

Eligibility Criteria For Virginia Mayflower Society Mildred Ramos Scholarship

The criteria may include the following:

  • Membership: To be eligible for the governor position, you may need to be a member of the organization. This could involve meeting certain membership requirements, such as being an active member for a specific duration or paying membership fees.
  • Leadership Experience: Organizations often look for candidates with demonstrated leadership experience. This could include previous experience in leadership roles within the organization or other relevant leadership positions in community or professional settings.
  • Knowledge and Expertise: Candidates for the governor position may be expected to have a strong understanding of the organization’s mission, goals, and operations. They may also need to possess knowledge and expertise in the area or industry that the organization represents.
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills: Effective communication and interpersonal skills are essential for a governor. The ability to engage with members, stakeholders, and the public, as well as facilitate collaboration and decision-making processes, is important.
  • Commitment and Availability: Serving as a governor often requires a significant time commitment. Candidates may need to demonstrate their willingness and availability to fulfill the responsibilities associated with the role, including attending meetings, participating in events, and representing the organization.

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