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Chief Simon Kahquados Scholarship

Chief Simon Kahquados Scholarship

Applicable For:

Undergraduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

The Forest County Potawatomi Foundation has been assisting and allowing our communities’ efforts to develop themselves since 1999. We are aware that there is still more we can do to help our communities meet their pressing needs for a workforce that is both more educated and skilled and for whom education and training are more accessible. The Forest County Potawatomi Community and its Foundation established a scholarship programme for Wisconsin residents to aid in addressing this enormous need that may be found in towns around Wisconsin. Any Wisconsin resident looking to register in one of Wisconsin’s approved educational institutions has a variety of scholarship options available.

A candidate that is qualified for the Chief Simon Kahquados A returning or continuing student who has not been enrolled for one or more semesters is considered to be ineligible for a scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria For Chief Simon Kahquados Scholarship

Here are some common eligibility criteria that you may find for scholarships related to community service or community helpers:

  • Academic Achievement: Some community helpers scholarships may have academic requirements, such as a minimum GPA or academic honors. This ensures that recipients have maintained a certain level of academic excellence while actively participating in community service.
  • Financial Need: Certain scholarships may prioritize applicants with demonstrated financial need. This may involve submitting financial information, such as tax returns or a statement of need, to assess the applicant’s financial circumstances.
  • Career Goals and Intentions: Some scholarships may focus on individuals who have career goals aligned with community service or helping professions. This can include fields such as social work, healthcare, education, nonprofit management, or other areas that contribute to the well-being of the community.
  • Leadership and Initiative: Scholarships may value applicants who have demonstrated leadership skills or have taken the initiative to create or lead community service projects or organizations.

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