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Jeffrey D. Sollender Scholarship

Jeffrey D. Sollender Scholarship

Applicable For:

High School Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

With unlimited enthusiasm and optimism, Jeff Sollender was a highly successful businessman, philanthropist, and entrepreneur who was always willing to assist others in realizing their aspirations. He is recognized for his wit, ingenuity, innovation, and love for his family. He was the creator of many biotech companies and/or served on their boards. The Scholarship was created to carry on his legacy of assisting others in realizing their potential and making a positive impact on the world.

Eligibility Criteria For Jeffrey D. Sollender Scholarship

Here are some common eligibility criteria that you may come across:

  • Talent Area: Scholarships may be specific to a particular talent area such as music, visual arts, performing arts, sports, writing, coding, entrepreneurship, or any other field where individuals can showcase exceptional abilities.
  • Demonstrated Talent: Applicants are typically required to demonstrate exceptional talent in their chosen area. This may involve submitting portfolios, recordings, performances, or other evidence of their talent.
  • Academic Performance: Some scholarships may consider academic performance as a secondary criterion. Applicants may be required to meet minimum academic requirements or demonstrate a balance between talent and academic achievement.
  • Age or Grade Level: Scholarships may be open to individuals of a specific age range or grade level. There may be scholarships for elementary school students, middle school students, high school students, or even college students and beyond.
  • Commitment and Dedication: Scholarships may require applicants to showcase their dedication and commitment to their talent area. This could be through participation in competitions, performances, exhibitions, or other relevant activities.
  • Recommendation Letters: Applicants may be required to submit recommendation letters from teachers, mentors, coaches, or professionals who can attest to their exceptional talent and potential for growth.
  • Residency or Citizenship: Some scholarships may have residency or citizenship requirements, limiting eligibility to individuals from specific regions or countries.
  • Application Materials: Depending on the scholarship, applicants may need to submit additional materials such as essays, personal statements, or interviews to highlight their talent and their goals for sharpening it.

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