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SAE-CES Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship

SAE-CES Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship

Applicable For:

Graduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

The SAE-CES Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship is a fellowship program provided by the Society for the Anthropology of Europe (SAE) and the Council for European Studies (CES). The fellowship aims to support graduate students in conducting preliminary research for their doctoral dissertations related to European anthropology.

The fellowship typically provides financial support to recipients, enabling them to travel to European countries and conduct fieldwork, language training, archival research, or other forms of preliminary research relevant to their dissertation projects. The fellowship is open to graduate students enrolled in a Ph.D. program and conducting research in the field of European anthropology.

Eligibility Criteria For SAE-CES Pre-Dissertation Research Fellowship

Here are some common eligibility criteria that you may encounter for research scholarships related to European anthropology:

  • Field of Study: Scholarships may be specific to the field of European anthropology or a related discipline such as social or cultural anthropology. The research proposed should align with the objectives and themes of the scholarship.
  • Doctoral Candidate Status: Scholarships for preliminary research are often targeted towards students who have been accepted into or are enrolled in a doctoral program in anthropology or a related field. Applicants may need to provide proof of their doctoral student status.
  • Research Proposal: Applicants may be required to submit a detailed research proposal outlining the objectives, methodology, and significance of their proposed research related to European anthropology.
  • Academic Merit: Scholarships may consider the academic record and achievements of applicants, such as GPA, previous research experience, publications, or conference presentations.
  • Relevance and Originality: The proposed research should demonstrate its relevance to the field of European anthropology and its potential to contribute new insights or advance existing knowledge.
  • Language Proficiency: Depending on the scholarship requirements, proficiency in languages relevant to the research area, such as the language(s) spoken in the European region of study, may be necessary.
  • Letters of Recommendation: Applicants may need to submit letters of recommendation from academic advisors, professors, or experts in the field who can speak to their research potential and capabilities.
  • Project Feasibility: Scholarships may consider the feasibility of the research project, including the availability of necessary resources, access to research sites, and ethical considerations.

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