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Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Research Grant

Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Research Grant

Applicable For:

Graduate Students

Max Award Amount:


Application Deadline:

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About This Scholarship

Are you a nutritionist or a dietetic graduate student? If this describes you, you should apply for a research grant from the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group. Research grants from the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group are available to registered dietitians, dietetic graduates, and doctoral students who are members of the group. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, an organization of professionals in food and nutrition that provides information on health and nutrition to assist individuals in the prevention of or improvement in the management of their existing health conditions, is the organization providing the grant. One deserving student is selected randomly every two years to receive a grant award of ten thousand dollars (USD) to assist in funding their investigation into vegetarianism or a vegetarian diet.

Eligibility Criteria For Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Research Grant

  • Current Membership in the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: To be eligible for the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Research Grant, you must be a current Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics member. This means you must be a registered dietitian or dietetic technician.
  • Membership in the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group: In addition to being a member of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, you must also be a member of the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group (VNDPG). If you are not currently a member of the VNDPG, you can join by visiting their website and completing the membership application.
  • Completion of a Research Proposal: To be considered for the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Research Grant, you must submit a research proposal related to vegetarianism or plant-based diets. Your proposal should clearly outline your research question, methodology, and expected outcomes. You should also provide a detailed budget for your project.
  • Ability to Complete the Research Project: To be eligible for the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Research Grant, you must have the resources and ability to complete the research project. This includes access to the necessary equipment, funding, and personnel to conduct the study.
  • Compliance with Ethical Guidelines: All research projects funded by the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Research Grant must comply with ethical guidelines. This includes obtaining informed consent from participants, protecting participant privacy, and ensuring that the study is conducted safely and respectfully.
  • Submission of Required Documentation: To be considered for the Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group Research Grant, you must submit all required documentation by the deadline. This includes your research proposal, budget, and other supporting documents requested. Only complete applications will be considered.

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