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Can You Get A Scholarship For Being Left-Handed?

Get A Scholarship For Being Left-Handed?

Are you a left-handed student struggling to find the financial resources for college? Good news! There are scholarships out there specifically designed for those who write with their left hand. Yes, you read that right – being left-handed can actually land you some serious cash for your education. But where can you locate these scholarships and how do they operate? Keep reading to learn more about this unique opportunity and potentially score some extra funds for your schooling.

Can you Get a Scholarship for being Left-Handed?

Believe it or not, there are actually scholarship opportunities out there specifically for left-handed students. So why is being left-handed so rare in the first place? It all boils down to genetics; even though 10% of the population is left-handed, no one is completely clear why this phenomena occurs.
Despite its mystery, however, being a southpaw can actually pay off in some cases. There are organizations and foundations that recognize the challenges faced by lefties in a right-handed world and want to help level the playing field. These scholarships typically require proof of handedness (such as a doctor’s note) and may have additional qualifications such as academic achievement or financial need.
Even though left-handed scholarships may not be as prevalent as other kinds, they can be quite helpful for covering college costs. If you’re a proud member of the southpaw club, it’s definitely worth looking into these unique opportunities!

What is the criteria for a Left-Handed Scholarship?

Student recipients of left-handed scholarships are those who identify as having a left-handed grip. But what exactly is the criteria for receiving one of these unique scholarships?

  • First off, it’s crucial to understand that not all left-handed scholarships are awarded based on the same standards. However, many left-handed scholarships require applicants to show proof or confirmation of their handedness through an essay or other means.
  • Some left-handed scholarship programs may also require applicants to meet certain academic or financial qualifications in addition to being left-handed. This could include maintaining a certain GPA, having a specific major, or demonstrating financial need.
  • It’s worth noting that many left-handed scholarships are quite competitive and highly sought after by students across the country. That’s why it’s essential for prospective applicants to research each individual program thoroughly before applying and ensure they meet all necessary requirements.
  • If you’re someone who identifies as being left-handed and meets the necessary qualifications required by various programs, there may be opportunities out there for you to receive some financial assistance towards your education!

Why is being Left-Handed rare?

Being left-handed is uncommon; just 10% of people are left-handed. There are a few hypotheses as to why this is the case, however it’s not totally obvious.
One theory suggests that it has to do with genetics – left-handedness may be passed down through families. However, the research on this subject hasn’t yet produced any solid results.
Another explanation contends that it’s because right- and left-handed people have different brain structures. Certain brain regions are more developed in left-handers than in right-handers, according to studies.
Additionally, there is data that suggests environmental variables might be involved. For instance, some scientists think that variations in prenatal hormone levels throughout pregnancy may have an impact on whether a child develops left or right handedness.
The reasons behind why being left-handed is rare remain somewhat mysterious. What we do know for sure is that being a southpaw can sometimes come with its own unique set of challenges – from having trouble finding suitable tools and equipment designed for right-handers to struggling with handwriting and smudging ink!

How to apply for a Scholarship for being Left-Handed?

If you’re left-handed, you might be unsure of how to submit an application for a scholarship created just for you. Fortunately, the procedure is not too complicated.

  • The first step is to research scholarships that are available exclusively to left-handed individuals.
  • You can start by browsing online databases or contacting organizations that support left-handers’ causes.
  • Some examples of such groups include the American Association of Left-Handed Golfers and the Mary Francis Beckley Scholarship Foundation.
  • Once you’ve identified potential scholarships, carefully read through their eligibility requirements and application procedures.

How to get a Scholarship for being Left-Handed?

Although it may seem simple to obtain a scholarship because one is left-handed, doing so requires the proper mindset and approach. Here are some suggestions to improve your chances of receiving a scholarship:

1. Research

Do your research and find out which organizations or foundations offer scholarships specifically for left-handed students. Make sure you meet their eligibility criteria before applying.

2. Stand Out

While being left-handed may make you unique, it’s not enough to guarantee a scholarship on its own.

3. Application

When writing your essay or filling out your application form, be sure to emphasize how being left-handed has positively impacted your life experiences and how this will help you achieve your goals.

4. Recommendations

Ask teachers or mentors who know you well to write recommendation letters highlighting your strengths as a student and individual.

5. Follow-up

Be sure to follow up with the foundation or organization after submitting your application to find out where it stands.
Remember that securing any kind of scholarship requires effort and dedication on top of possessing unique qualities such as being left-handed; therefore give yourself plenty of time and patience when going through this process!


Being left-handed may be rare but it does come with its benefits. One of which is the possibility of receiving a scholarship for it. It’s important to research and apply for any available scholarships that cater to left-handed individuals as they can provide financial assistance towards pursuing higher education.
If you are unable to locate a scholarship created especially for left-handed people, keep in mind that there are many other options for paying your studies. Don’t limit yourself and keep searching for scholarships that align with your interests or experiences.
Being left-handed should not hold anyone back from achieving their academic goals. With determination and perseverance, anything is possible – including scoring a scholarship!