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Does FSU offer Merit Scholarships?

Does fsu offer merit scholarships

Scholarships are offered based on the student’s talent, academic qualifications, and other achievements. Achieving a scholarship is one of the best ways to pay for a college education. FSU offers various scholarship opportunities to help students such as merit-based scholarships and need-based scholarships. Here, we are discussing the merit scholarships, and also some other scholarships that are majorly offered by FSU. The requirement criteria for achieving merit scholarships are also mentioned below. So, let’s start with the context of FSU.

What is FSU?

FSU stands for Florida State University which is a public research University in Florida, United States (Tallahassee). FSU is mainly known for its film school, its criminal justice programs, and its marketing management. Florida State University is located in the state of Florida on the oldest continuous site of higher education. The graduation rate of this university is around 83%. FSU offers various types of scholarship opportunities such as merit-based scholarships, need-based scholarships, and other types of scholarship programs. FSU works with a chain of 16 separate colleges. It has more than 110 centers, labs, and institutes that offer professional School programs and more than 360 study programs. The enrollment of students from all 50 states and 130 countries are eligible at FSU.

Does FSU offer Merit Scholarships?

Yes, Florida State University offers a wide range of merit scholarships and other scholarships. FSU is known for its commitment to academic excellence and student support in their pursuit of higher education or any degree. For achieving a merit scholarship, students have to face high competition and also have to maintain their academic performance and extracurricular activities involvement. The principal merit scholarships that FSU offers are mentioned below.

  • Talent Scholarship: The talent scholarship is based on specified talent and comes under the category of merit-based scholarship because talent-based scholarships require auditions. So, students who have excellent skills and abilities in music, dance, or theater will get a talent scholarship at FSU.
  • Freshman Merit Scholarship: All high school students or freshmen are considered eligible for the freshman merit scholarship. This scholarship is awarded as per the student’s academic scores, SAT and ACT scores, etc. Every year, students will receive $2,400 from the freshman scholarship award and it continues for 4 years. The total amount received by students in 4 years is $9,600. To get admitted in January, students are recommended to apply for FSU scholarship programs in November. It will give them the chance of getting selected on a priority basis.

Students of the freshman scholarship must have to maintain a GPA score of at least 3.0 at FSU and also have to take a minimum of 15 credit hours each semester.

  • Presidential Scholars Program: Students who receive the Freshman Merit Scholarship are also eligible for the Presidential Scholars Program at FSU. The application of the scholar’s program is different and separate. In this program, students will be rewarded with an additional $2,400 per year. They will get $12,000 for enrichment opportunities related to education and if students are not from the state means out-of-state applicants then they will also receive a full out-of-state tuition waiver to get in-state tuition. The amount of this waiver is around $15,000.

So, these are three major merit scholarships offered by Florida State University. It also offers need-based scholarships to help students including federal and state aid.

Other Scholarship Programs at FSU

Some other scholarship programs that are available at FSU are as follows.

  • Athletic Scholarships: Athletic Scholarships are given to those candidates who can represent Florida State in intercollegiate athletic and other athletic events. The interested students must have their high school coaches because coaches contact the athletic department at FSU and will discuss the scholarship program.
  • Bright Futures Scholarship: This scholarship award is based on the student’s high school academic achievements. Scholarship is for Florida residents and it is the state’s umbrella program. For the successful application of this scholarship, you can contact your high school guidance office.
  • Florida State Service Scholarship: This is a renewable scholarship and is available to incoming freshmen. This scholarship is beneficial for students who want to keep on learning through community service. To know more about this, you can check the official website of SFU’s Centre for Social Change and Leadership.
  • Southern Scholarship Foundation Award: This Foundation offers awards to exceptional students who need financial support and wants to earn a college degree. It also offers a free housing facility to aspiring students and this is done in 14 scholarship houses of FSU.
  • Navy, Air Force, and Army ROTC Scholarship: This scholarship award is available for those who want to serve their country through services in the Armed Forces and it is offered by the U.S. military. For more information, you can contact the Navy, Army, and Air Force.

Therefore, these are some other scholarship awards that are offered by FSU to students who need financial support.

Requirement criteria for Merit Scholarships at FSU

The below-mentioned things are required to get eligible for the scholarships at FSU.

  • Students have to maintain High School academic records because the university evaluates the whole course work, class rank, overall GPA, and grades of individual subjects.
  • If students can demonstrate exceptional academic performance in their high school years then they will be considered first for the merit scholarships.
  • Students also have to maintain high scores on SAT or ACT because these tests are considered essential for the evaluation process at FSU for merit scholarships.
  • Along with academic achievements, FSU also considered other abilities like leadership skills and extracurricular activities involvement. So, students have to work hard to brush up on their other abilities.
  • To enhance the quality of scholarship application, students have to take part in club activities, sports, community services,  leadership roles, taking initiative, etc.

Therefore, these are the basic requirements that are needed and students have to fulfill to get eligible for the merit scholarship at FSU.


FSU (Florida State University) offers a variety of merit scholarships such as the Presidential Scholarship, Talent Scholarship, and University Freshmen’s Scholarship. These merit scholarships are highly competitive and students have to maintain good academic scores, leadership qualities, and extracurricular activities involvement. FSU evaluate students for merit scholarship based on their academic scores and other talents like sports, leadership, and community service. The main aim of FSU is to attract top-tier students means those who are encouraged to contribute to the University community and also able to make a positive impact on society.