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Does Stanford give Athletics Scholarships?

Does stanford give athletic scholarships

Stanford University is renowned for its academic excellence because it has world-leading research and teaching institutions. It also offers scholarship programs to support students and along with their academic scholarships, it also offers athletics scholarships. Stanford’s Athletic programs also gained significant recognition as it provides good opportunities for athletes across various sports. Stanford University offers financial assistance to more than two-thirds of its students. In this two-third part, 49% of scholarships are need-based scholarships and 58% of scholarships are athletic scholarships. Here, many students wonder that is Stanford offers athletic scholarships. To help you understand we will discuss all the rules, policies, and procedures of Stanford University’s Athletic Scholarships.

Stanford’s Athletic Scholarship

Stanford University’s primary purpose in providing athletics scholarships is to provide opportunities for athletic students to excel in their careers both academically and athletically. The students who can uphold a high standard of integrity as a sportsman will be selected by the University for granting scholarships. Stanford University is the one that believes in the promotion of personal growth and character development of students along with academic and athletic achievements. On the primary basis, Stanford University provides need-based scholarships but now they also work with athletic scholarships, and while selecting they consider both the context such as need and athletic prowess.

Does Stanford give Athletic Scholarships?

Stanford athletics scholarship provides support to students in completing their undergraduate degree of 4 years. It means they provide athletics scholarships for 4 years. Financial aid for the fifth year is only allowed with the approval of the athletic director. As per the rules of the NCAA, an athletic scholarship is used only for tuition costs, room and board, textbooks, and other compulsory fees like documentation, etc.

Need-based Scholarship

For providing athletics scholarships, Stanford University follows the Ivy League model. It means they do not offer athletics scholarships in the traditional sense. They provide scholarships according to the need of the financial aid of the student and the athletic students are included in it. The need-based scholarships for the summer session are available to candidates who have missed the standard quarter of the academic year. To apply for this, students have to complete the online summer application.

Eligibility criteria for the Scholarship at Stanford University

  • They evaluate the applications based on the student’s academic achievements, extracurricular activities certification, leadership involvement, and personal qualities.
  • For the athletics scholarships, students are evaluated on their athletic abilities, accomplishments, and athletic awards. The university looks for students who can contribute to the college socially, academically, and athletically.
  • Students have to complete their FAFSA and CSS profile because of Stanford University SS financial situation of the family via these profiles.
  • After verification of the contribution of the family towards student education, they provide financial scholarships to the students including grants, and work-study opportunities.

Therefore, these are the points that will help students in bridging the gap between the cost of attendance and the athletic program.

Renewal of Athletic Scholarship

The athletics scholarships are available for students who have good athletic skills. For the Athletics scholarships, coaches recommend the students and then the director of athletics provides approval. For the renewal of the scholarship, students are notified by the financial aid office before July 1st. If the students will not get the notification of renewal then they can appeal to the financial aid committee. If the student follows all the rules and regulations regarding athletics scholarships, then they will get the renewal. The head coach will direct the director toward the renewal of Athletic scholarships based on team rules, the fundamental standards, rules of the NCAA, Pac-12 conference rules, and the regulations of the DAPER. After all the verification you will be directed towards the renewal of the athletic scholarship.


The stanford university provides scholarships based on the need for the scholarship. Along with this they evaluate the athletic skills of the student and grant athletic scholarships. Now, this criteria gain significant importance and around 58% of scholarships awarded by the University are athletics scholarships. To earn the scholarship, students have to complete the profile of FAFSA and CSS because based on these profiles, providers evaluate their financial condition and then select candidates for the athletic scholarship.