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Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship

Scholarships are designed to help students and similarly Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship is designed to help students in understanding the risk of texting while driving. Texting while driving means composing, sending, and reading text messages on a mobile phone while driving. It is considered the most dangerous thing because people risk their lives by doing this. In some places the usage of mobile phones while driving is completely prohibited. It is very important to learn about the delicacy of driving and road accidents. So, here we will discuss the term Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship, who is eligible for the scholarship, and how to apply for the scholarship. So, let’s get started with the Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship.

What are the Don’t Text and Drive Scholarships?

Don’t text and drive means you have to pledge that you do not text while driving and with this you can withdraw a scholarship on your behalf or the behalf of someone else.

According to the data, the reason for 25% of car accidents is the usage of cell phones while driving. If we compare the cause of death rate between texting and drinking then with texting deaths occur 6 times more. Drivers get into a “safety-critical event” 23 times more due to texting while driving according to the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute. While using the technology we should keep one thing in our mind that it’s our responsibility not to harm others. We should use technology to the extent that we are not impacting our environment, health, and society.

Who is eligible for the Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship?

There is no age limit for the Don’t Text and Drive scholarship whether you are a high school freshman, junior, senior, current or entering college or graduate student, sophomore, or homeschooled student means it is available for everyone. One more thing is that if you are a citizen of the US and if you are a legal resident, only then you are eligible for the Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship.

How to apply for the Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship?

The application process is a little different for the Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship because in this you have to write a message of 140 characters about texting while driving. In the process of selection of applications only the top 10 applications will be finalized and if you are in the list of top 10 applications then you have to write a full-length message of 500-1000 words about texting while driving.

The top 10 finalists are selected based on 140-character messages that are written by the applicants. After this, the winner of the scholarship among the top 10 finalists is selected based on a full-length 500-1000 word message.

Applicants should follow the deadlines and try to apply as early as possible and applicants should write a 140-character message in a unique way that will help them in getting selected. Finalists and winners are notified by email and postal mail. Along with the Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship if you are looking for more scholarships, then you can check the safe driving bundle of scholarships on the common scholarship page.


Don’t Text and Drive Scholarship refers to avoiding the usage of mobile during driving. If you are taking a pledge not to use your mobile phone while driving then you can apply for the Don’t Text and Drive scholarship. This scholarship is available for everyone as there is no age limit whether you are a freshman, graduate, or undergraduate student. Under eligibility criteria, you only have to be a citizen of the United States. The application process is also very simple. You only have to write a 140-character message about texting while driving and if you were selected then you have to write a message of 500-1000 words about texting while driving. If your message is effective and unique then you may get selected and win the scholarship.