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How long should the Scholarship Essay be?

How long should scholarship essays be

Scholarships are one of the best ways to pay for education because these are specifically designed to help students. You can use scholarship money to fulfill your needs like tuition costs, books, and housing. The best part is you don’t have to prepare any tax computation because scholarships are tax-free. For a successful application, you need to submit the essays along with the application. Essays must be effective to get eligible for the scholarships. So, here you will learn how to write an effective essay, what should be the length of the essay, how to start an essay, and how to end an essay. Let’s begin with the scholarship essay.

What is a Scholarship Essay?

A scholarship essay is an essay that students have to submit along with the application for the scholarships. The paper of the essay will help you in winning or losing the scholarship and it is an essential part of the application. If your essays are well written and contain all the details then it may help you in standing out from the crowd. You must have to include the goals that you want to achieve and personal details about you that who you are and these things will make you the most deserving candidate for the award. Your essay should demonstrate your passion and belief in the organization. The scholarship essays and the college essays are not the same because the purpose, length, and prompt for both are different.

How long should the Scholarship Essay be?

The essay’s length should be around 500 words or less than that. It means you have to sum up your essay in one page. Your essay would not be too long because it may lose the interest of the reviewer. So, try to write it concisely. It is recommended that only 3-5 paragraphs for the intro and the main body.  Therefore, the scholarship essay neither be too long nor too short.

How to write an effective Scholarship Essay?

While writing the essay, You have to follow the defined path that makes your essay effective. If you are not following the steps then the chances of selection of your application goes down. So, follow the steps that are mentioned below to make your scholarship application stronger.

  1. Understand the Objective: First, you have to understand the right prompt for the essay. If you misunderstood the objective of writing an essay and write it incorrectly then your essay may mislead the reviewer and you will lose the chance of getting the scholarship. So, read the requirements and aspects of the essay carefully and then incorporate all the aspects in your essay.
  2. Make a proper Outline: Before writing, you have to make the proper outline of the essay that what you add first and what afterward. You should start your essay with a simple outline that explains your objective and need for the scholarship. Then, you can add other things according to the requirement of the essay. In most of the essays, there are three parts such as the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. You have to write in such a manner that these three parts look connected and interrelated to each other.
  3. Start Writing and then Rewriting: When you are done with the outline start writing because the outline makes it easy and helps you manage the word limit. Your essay should not exceed the suggested limit of the words. The first draft works as a structure for the final essay. After writing the first draft, read it carefully and make changes if it is required. Then start rewriting the essay with the help of the first draft. Here, you can easily modify the parts where you want to add more thoughts and then you can draft the final piece.
  4. The last step is Proofreading: don’t forget to proofread your essay before submitting it. You should read it out loud or in front of someone who can find mistakes or you should check it with someone. Sometimes,  rereading may fix a lot of mistakes and fill the gaps which we do not notice while writing. Therefore, reading out loud, listening to someone, and having a second opinion are good options for proofreading.

So, these are the four steps that you have to follow for writing the essay and these are the basic steps.

How to Start an Essay?

Generally, all the essays start with the introduction and in the introductory part, your objective should be mentioned which explains that you completely understand the prompt of the essay. Then you can line up your information according to the outline and criteria of the scholarship.

How to End an Essay?

At the end of the essay, you have to include the closing paragraph that sums up your points in one place and it showed everything in a neat package. Your essay should be contained in one page and in that one page, you have to include all the things from the introduction to the conclusion.


The scholarship essay must contain 500 words or less which means it should sum up all the details in one page. The essay is one of the first things that attracts the reviewer to your application. If you write your essay concisely and precisely then the chance of getting a scholarship may increase. While writing the essay you have to follow the steps that are common for all the scholarship programs. First, you have to understand the prompt, then prepare an outline and start writing according to the outline. Then, rewrite with the help of the first draft, and at the end, you have to proofread your essay. So, these steps will help you in writing your essay effectively.