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How to Win the Live Mas Scholarship?

How to win the live más scholarship

Scholarships provide financial help to the students and are awarded based on academic scores and financial needs. Almost all the scholarships are awarded based on merit and need but the Live Mas scholarship is different. To win the Live Mas scholarship, you have to be creative and passionate because the selection criteria are different from other scholarships. It doesn’t require any test scores, essays, average grade points, and athletic skills. To know the exact details of the Live Mas scholarship, read the below article as we will mention the steps that will help you in securing the scholarship, eligibility criteria, and other important factors.

What is the Live Mas Scholarship?

The Live Mas scholarship is based on passion and passionate students are selected by the providers. It is not a need or achievement-based scholarship. It is applicable for students aged 16 to 26.  The students who want to create a better future and want to make a positive impact on their society with their skills and education are considered eligible. It is called a passion-based program. If you are passionate and want to do something for society, then just apply for it because you will get preference from the providers.

How to Win the Live Mas Scholarship?

The Live Mas Scholarship was founded by the Taco Bell Foundation to support young minds. Securing the Live Mas scholarship is one of the rewarding experiences because it recognizes the unique passion of the students. It encourages students to showcase their individuality and talent. The application process is also different from other scholarships because you have to submit a two-minute video that talks about your passion and goals. Some steps will guide you and increase your chances of winning the Live Mas scholarship.

Steps for Winning Live Mas Scholarship

The below-mentioned steps will surely guide you through the application process, eligibility criteria, and other relevant details about the Live Mas scholarship.

  • Research the Scholarship: Before indulging in the application process, research the scholarship because it is very crucial to understand the criteria of the scholarship. The criteria include firstly, Passion, which seeks passionate students who want to achieve their dreams and goals. Secondly, Age, the candidate must be between the ages of 16 to 26. Thirdly, Nationality as it is available to United States citizens. Fourthly, Creativity because it supports unique and creative talent, etc.
  • Understand Your Passion: If you want to apply for a Live Mas scholarship then develop your passion and start identifying your interest areas, your hobbies, and your short-term and long-term goals. Don’t just copy others and try to find out your genuine interest area because your real interest areas and creativity are supported here.
  • Draft Your Application: After developing your passion, start crafting the statement that you have to submit with your application. This statement reflects your passion for the providers in which you have to share your story including how you discover your passion, how you align your future goals with your passion, and how your passion aligns with the values of Taco Bell Live Mas Scholarship.
  • Focus on Creativity: The Live Mas scholarship supports creative students. So, try to submit your application with creativity. You can create short videos that describe your passion, if you are artistic, then you can submit a piece of your artwork, you can also submit a written essay, if you are writing skills are creative, etc. Creativity refers to the out-of-the-box thinking to solve the situation or to deal with the situation.
  • Proofreading: Before submitting your application, make sure that your application is free from grammatical mistakes, typing errors, sentence errors, etc. Proofread your application with the experts, professionals, seniors, or teachers.
  • Attach Letter of Recommendation: Try to attach a letter of recommendation with the application because it impacts positively. It describes your strengths, awards, achievements, personality, behavior, etc. You can obtain it from teachers, mentors, and individuals who can speak about your struggle, dedication, and passion.
  • Adhere to Deadlines: To avoid last-minute rushes and technical issues, submit your application in advance. It also increases your chances of getting selected for this scholarship. You can create a timeline as it includes all the important dates and through which you don’t miss the deadline.
  • Prepare for the Interview Session: Prepare some common interview questions and also go through with your application. It helps you with your answers at the time of the interview. Some scholarship programs conduct interviews after selecting candidates from the application. So, be prepared to discuss your passion, skills, and goals.
  • Face Rejections: The process of securing scholarships is very competitive. If you get rejected by the committee, don’t lose your hope and stay positive. Learn from your experience and mistakes, then apply for other opportunities with more courage. You can also ask for feedback from the committee through which you can understand your mistakes.

Therefore, these are the basic steps that you have to follow to secure the Live Mas scholarship. The major criterion is to be passionate and creative for the Taco Bell Scholarship Program. The eligibility for the scholarship is fully dependent upon your passion and skills because it is a passion-based scholarship.

Are College Students Eligible for Live Mas Scholarships?

If your age range is from 16 to 26, then you are eligible for the scholarship. You only have to meet the basic criteria of passion and creativity. You can use the scholarship fund in your current year of college and for upcoming years of your graduation. You are free to use these funds at a four-year college, university, or trade school. This scholarship is also available for the employees of Taco Bell and also for the non-employees. There is no application fee for the scholarship. You only have to submit a video that describes your passion and goals.


To win a Live Mas Scholarship, students are required to be passionate about their dreams and goals. Their ages must be from 16 to 26. The scholarship committee considers applications that include genuine passion, creativity, and effective communication from the candidate. You have to mention in your application how your passion supports the goal of the Live Mas scholarship. Show your uniqueness, and creativity by understanding the values and criteria of the scholarship as it will enhance your chances of selection. The best part is that it is not awarded based on merit and need. So, you only have to develop your passion and need to brush up on your skills through which you can contribute to society.