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How to Write a Biographical Sketch for a Scholarship? 

How to write a biographical sketch for scholarship

Scholarships provide financial assistance to the students and cover the cost of higher education. It provides opportunities to students who are unable to enroll in higher education. To secure a scholarship, students have to submit a biographical sketch. A biographical sketch is known as a biography. It consists of a summary of an individual’s life including background, education, achievement, career, experience, and other important details. It provides a life story of an individual which is relevant in various contexts. The scholarship committee evaluates the candidates based on their biographical sketches. They verify professional details, personal details, academic achievements, and other skills. The length and depth of the biographical sketches may vary depending on the use of the sketch. For the scholarship application, the biography sketch may be relatively short as compared to other professional conferences. The professional presentation conferences require detailed information for which students have to submit a detailed biography sketch including expertise and accomplishments. Here, we will discuss all the relevant points that you should include while writing a biographical sketch for scholarships. The most important points and highlights of the biographical sketch are mentioned below.

How to Write a Biographical Sketch for a Scholarship?

Nowadays, scholarships require biographical sketches along with the scholarship application as it helps the scholarship committee in the smooth evaluation of the candidate. Biographical sketches are considered a comprehensive and concise way to introduce yourself in front of the scholarship committee. You can include any point that highlights your character and abilities. The strategy that you have to adopt while writing is mentioned below.

Points to Consider While Writing the Biographical Sketch

  • Introduction: You should start a biography and sketch with your introduction. You can use any phrase and a compelling statement that describes you and grabs the attention of the reader. Your introduction makes you an ideal candidate for the scholarship. So,  try to write it effectively. Then mention your name, your preferred field of study, background, educational status, etc. Show your dedication towards the studies that made the provider believe you are a deserving candidate. You should wind up your introduction paragraph in 150 to 200 words.
  • Background: You should highlight your financial background, your family background, your educational background, your career goals, etc. If you face any major challenges then highlight that. Mention the occupation of your family or parents, it describes your financial condition to some extent. Some scholarships are awarded based on financial need. So, highlight your circumstances because it shows your attitude towards the situation. It should be of 200 to 300 words.
  • Discuss your Career Goals: Discuss your career goal and how this scholarship will help you in achieving your higher education. Highlight how this scholarship will help you to participate in various career development opportunities that make you industry-ready.
  • Academic Accomplishments: Mention your academic accomplishments including high school achievements and recent achievements. Your achievements must include awards, scholarships, honors, research projects, publications, leadership roles, and other academic roles. Discuss how your academic journey helped you in learning a lot of things and shaped your goals and aspirations. It could be around 300 words.
  • Passion and Skills: Explain your passion and skills that help you in shaping your behavior and contribute to your personal growth. In this, you have to discuss your involvement in extracurricular activities, your interest areas in which you participated, volunteer work, community services, etc. All these works demonstrate your commitment to society, education, and the institution. It includes 200 to 300 words.
  • Hardships: Mention the challenges and hardships that you have faced in your life. Due to these challenges you have learned a lot and determined your goal. It includes financial issues, health issues, lack of opportunities, personal setbacks, etc. Discuss how these situations help you in developing your decision-making ability. It must wind up in 200 words.
  • Conclusion: At the end, summarise all the points and clearly state why you believe you are a deserving candidate. Show some gratitude to the scholarship providers and highlight how the scholarship will impact their education and future careers. Conclude with the statement of commitment to using the scholarship for the achievement of goals.
  • Editing: Without editing and proofreading, do not submit your biographical sketch for a scholarship. Conduct a proofreading of your biographical sketch with the help of experts, teachers, and professors. They will rectify your grammatical errors, spelling errors, and formatting errors, and make your application smooth and reliable.

Therefore, while writing your biographical sketch for a scholarship emphasize the requirements and eligibility criteria. Avoid using the same biographical sketch for every scholarship rather create it as per the needs and goals of the scholarship. Along with this, include all your qualities and experience that are relevant to achieving the scholarship.


While tailoring your biographical sketch, evaluate the goals and needs of the scholarship. Then, align them with your personal goals and aspirations. After setting your goals and objectives, start writing your biographical sketch. It must consist of the details that are important for the scholarship including your academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, awards, leadership roles, community commitment, hardships that help you in shaping your career, financial need statement, family background, etc. In the end, you have to show gratitude towards the institution that offers you the scholarship to fund your higher education. So, for an effective biographical sketch communicate your strengths and aspirations.